Interested in Partnering with Us?
Interested in Partnering with Us?
SCiDUC is nonprofit organization managed my South Carolina state employees for South Carolina state employees. If you are interested in connecting with our members to expand your brand and support the SCiDUC mission, please contact us using the form below
SCiDUC is nonprofit organization managed my South Carolina state employees for South Carolina state employees. If you are interested in connecting with our members to expand your brand and support the SCiDUC mission, please contact us using the form below
Become a SCiDUC Member!
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of SCiDUC! Membership is free and available to any local, state or federal government employee working in South Carolina. Members are required to participate in at least one SCiDUC activity per year to maintain their membership. For more information, please see our "About Us" page and Bylaws.
To complete your application, please fill out the information below.