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SCiDUC is nonprofit organization managed my South Carolina state employees for South Carolina state employees. If you are interested in connecting with our members to expand your brand and support the SCiDUC mission, please contact us using the form below
SCiDUC is nonprofit organization managed my South Carolina state employees for South Carolina state employees. If you are interested in connecting with our members to expand your brand and support the SCiDUC mission, please contact us using the form below
Public Resources
Part 107 Exam Prep Resources

FAA Remote Pilot - Small Unmanned Aircraft System Study Guide
FAA Advisory Circular (AC107-2A)
Free Drone Certification Study Guide: FAA Part 107 sUAS Test (YouTube)
King School Free Practice Exam
2021 Part 107 ChangesFAA Drone Publications
Changes to Testing for a Remote Pilot Certificate with a Small Aircraft Rating
FAA Remote Pilot Airman Certification Standards
Federal Register Vol 86, No. 10, Operation of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Over People
Federal Register Vol. 86, No. 10, Remote Identification of Unmanned Aircraft
Part 107 Recurrent - Non-Part 61 Pilots training
FAA Drone Publications
Training Resources
National Fire Protection Association Drone 2400 Drone Standards Document: NFPA 2400 details the minimum requirements for the safe operation, deployment, and implementation of sUAS including organization program criteria and considerations, professional qualifications for safety personnel, and elements of a maintenance program.
National Wildfire Coordinating Group interagency Fire Unmanned Systems Subcommittee Home Page: This link takes you to the National Wildfire Coordinating Group’s position task book for UAS pilots, UAS managers, UAS module leaders, and UAS data specialists. Within the wildfire world, we utilize position task books to validate classroom and practical training, by having trainee pilots work under experienced and already qualified pilots to ensure that they have the skills necessary to safely fly UAS. This task book lists each task that a trainee UAS pilot has to do under direct supervision of an already qualified pilot to become fully qualified. The direct link to the National Wildfire Coordinating Group’s Interagency Fire UAS Risk Assessment form that we have discussed before within our committee, and it may be helpful for others.
SAFECOM - Learning From Aviation Mishaps: The wildland fire community uses SAFECOMS as a reporting system for aviation mishaps, including those involving UAS operations. If you visit this site then select the “Advanced Search” option, you can search the reports for UAS related reports. They range from in air mishaps, equipment issues, airspace intrusions during wildfire operations, etc. Many of these are educational and useful in briefings with UAS pilots and crews. SAFECOM fulfills the Aviation Mishap Information System (AMIS) requirements for aviation mishap reporting for the Department of Interior agencies and the US Forest Service. Categories of reports include incidents, hazards, maintenance, and airspace. The system enables users to report any condition, observation, act, maintenance problem, or circumstance with personnel or the aircraft that has the potential to cause an aviation-related mishap.
The SAFECOM system is not intended for initiating punitive actions. Submitting a SAFECOM is not a substitute for "on-the-spot" correction(s) to a safety concern. It is a tool used to identify, document, track and correct safety related issues.