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SCiDUC is nonprofit organization managed my South Carolina state employees for South Carolina state employees. If you are interested in connecting with our members to expand your brand and support the SCiDUC mission, please contact us using the form below
SCiDUC is nonprofit organization managed my South Carolina state employees for South Carolina state employees. If you are interested in connecting with our members to expand your brand and support the SCiDUC mission, please contact us using the form below
SCiDUC - Webcasts
SCi-CAST #003: The Civil Air Patrol
with Lt. Col. Chris Peterson
The Civil Air Patrol is the largest civilian owner of commercial UAS in the U.S. In this SCi-CAST episode, Joe Burgett interviews Lt. Col. Chris Peterson with the South Carolina Wing of the Civil Air Patrol. Lt. Col. Peterson talks with Joe about the rich history of the Civil Air Patrol and their current role at the national and state level. He also talked about how they help protect South Carolina citizens during national disasters.